New Employees

Note to New Employees

Welcome to Texas School for the Deaf! 


This is your new employee section. It was prepared to help you become part of the Texas School for the Deaf community.  The information contained therein will help you become a valued employee at Texas School for the Deaf.


Please take the time to read through the site and check it out often during first few months of your employment.  Please check with Human Resources for complete information on employee policies and benefits. 

We are glad to have you as part of the community here at TSD where every employee at Texas School for the Deaf works toward helping the students Learn, Grow, and Belong. 

Here is a list of information that is included in this section for new employees.

  • Policies and Procedures for New Employees
  • Benefits


Policies and Procedures for New Employees

The following policies are a select group of policies that have been determined most applicable to new employees. Additional Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) policies including Human Resources policies are available and may be accessed on the School’s computer system or by request. Specific policies may be requested from your supervisor or Human Resources.  When you click on specific policy below it will take you to the actual policy for you to review.


Compensation and Benefits: Wage and Hour Laws (DEA)

  1. Employment Objectives: Equal Employment Opportunity (DAA)
  2. Employment Requirements and Expectations: Employee Signed Communication (DB)
  3. Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Criminal History and Credit Reports (DBAA)
  4. Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Conflict of Interest (DBD)
  5. Employment Practices (DC)
  6. Employment Practices: Term Contracts (DCB)
  7. At-Will Employment: Probation (DCDA)
  8. At-Will Employment: Employee Performance/ Discipline Mgmt. (DCDB)
  9. At- Will Employment: Termination (DCDC)
  10. Compensation and Benefits: Wage and Hour Laws (DEA)
  11. Administrative Regulation: Payment of Overtime
  12. Leaves and Absences: Family and Medical Leave (DECA)
  13. Leaves and Absences: Military Leave (DECB)
  14. Leaves and Absences (DEC)
  15. Probationary Contracts: Return to Probationary Status (DFAC)
  16. Term Contracts: Suspension/ Termination During Contract (DFBA)
  17. Term Contracts: Nonrenewal (DFBB)
  18. Termination of Contract: Hearings before Hearings Examiner (DFD)
  19. Termination of Contract: Resignation (DFE)
  20. Employment Employee Rights and Privileges (DG)
  21. Employee Complaints and Grievances (DGBA)
  22. Employee Complaint Form (DGBA-E)
  23. Employee Standards of Conduct (DH)
  24. Administrative Regulation: TSD Employee Conduct
  25. Administrative Regulation: Code of Ethics for Teachers
  26. Administrative Regulation: Use of Personal Pagers and Personal Cell Phones During Work Time
  27. Administrative Regulation: Employee Use of School Equipment for Personal Use
  28. Employee Standards of Conduct: Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing (DHE)
  29. Employment Standard of Conduct: Fraudulent Action Against TSD (DHF)
  30. Employee Standards of Conduct: Staff-Student Non-Fraternization (DHI)
  31. Employee Welfare (DI)
  32. Employee Welfare: Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (DIA)
  33. Assignments and Schedules (DK)
  34. Performance Appraisal: Evaluation of Teachers (DNA)
  35. Accountability: Evaluation of Non-Contract Employees (DNAA)
  36. Performance Appraisal: Accountability: Evaluation of other Professional Employees (DNB)
  37. Student Welfare: Child Abuse and Neglect (FFG)
  38. EXH Student Welfare: Child Abuse and Neglect (FFG)
  39. Student Rights and Responsibilities: Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (FFH)
  40. Student Welfare: Freedom from Bullying (FFI)
  41. Student Rights and Responsibilities (FN)
  42. Student Discipline (FO)
  43. Technology Resources: Electronic Communication and Data Management (CQ)
  44. Administrative Regulation: TSD School Wide Dress Appearance Standards
Supplemental Employment Documentation
The following procedure is also applicable to all employees working for Texas School for the Deaf. Please complete the form included, if applicable, and submit it to Human Resources as soon as possible.

In this section you will find the following related information on benefits that are shared with all new employees:


  • ERS Benefits Plan Rates,
  • ERS Benefits Election Form,
  • COBRA Notice,
  • HIPPA Notice,
  • CHIP/HIPP Information,
  • Notice of Credible Coverage,
  • Worker’s Compensation,
  • 401K Enrollment Acknowledgement
  • Family Medical Leave, and
  • Texas Legal Protection Plan. 


When you click on specific file below it will you to the actual documentation for you to review/download.  If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at [email protected]