The Autonomous Future

What is an autonomous vehicle?
An autonomous vehicle (AV), commonly referred to as a self-driving car, is an automobile equipped with advanced sensors, cameras, radar, and artificial intelligence algorithms that enable it to navigate and operate without human intervention. These vehicles utilize various technologies, including GPS, computer vision, to perceive their surroundings and make real-time decisions. 
Through machine learning algorithms, AVs continuously analyze data from their environment to detect obstacles, pedestrians, road signs, and other vehicles, allowing them to safely navigate roads and follow traffic rules.
The ultimate goal of AVs is to enhance road safety, reduce traffic congestion, and provide greater mobility for individuals, including those with disabilities or limited access to transportation. As technology continues to advance, AVs have the potential to revolutionize the transportation industry and reshape urban landscapes. 
Texas is a leader in autonomous vehicle deployment & can establish a model for others to follow
What does an autonomous future look like?
  • Personal Ownership vs. Shared and/or On-demand Services
  • Tesla autopilot with constant supervision of human drivers
  • On-demand, shared AVs: Deployments in a few urban areas in pre-mapped areas but a larger trend toward shared mobility demand for travelers
  • Shuttles & Busses
  • Shuttles: many deployments in the US; primarily on fixed routes
  • Busses: not yet deployed in the US
  • ADA and accessibility considerations to accommodate all passengers
Goods Movement
  • Long-haul, middle-, and last mile 
  • Middle-mile deployment in DFW on urban roads
  • Last-mile sidewalk delivery in Austin and other Texas cities; on-road driverless vehicles
  • Long-haul autonomous freight along many highway corridors in Texas; intermodal facilities and urban destinations
  • Package delivery, inspection & surveillance, urban air mobility
  • Infrastructure inspection, crowd monitoring, emergency response and resiliency
Source: Andrea Gold and Kristie Chin, University of Texas at Austin Center for Transportation Research
Smart Mobility Roadmap 2017
SB 2205 gave the State exclusive AV oversight in 2017
Ford - ARGo AI began testing AVs in Austin 2019
Cruise began operating driverless rideshare 2022
AV Working Group formed July 2023