The Lone Star, Journal of the Texas School for the Deaf

This issue:
1. Message from the Superintendent
2. Sweet Traditions (Cookie Delivery)
3. How the Grinch Stole the Holidays!
4. RJ Kaufman's 400th Win
5. Signing Santa
6. Turn Back Time
7. Remembering Tyran Lee
8. Pancake Breakfast
9. Willigan Wrestling Tournament
10. Keith Baker Interview
11. In Memoriam
12. Annual Report 2022-2023
About the Lone Star:
The Lone Star was created in 1893 under the administration of William Addison Kendall. In the beginning, it was called "The Lone Star Weekly" and became the official publication of the Texas School for the Deaf.

Today, the Lone Star publishes 4 times a year covering events related to the TSD community, you can download the electronic copy below.
If you have a story that it's important to the community, please contact us:
Editor: TSD Communications Team
Copy Editor: Keena Miller
Art Director: Fernando Muñoz
Contributors: Gabriel Cardenas, Keena Miller, Amanda Wolf, and Cody Upchurch
Photography: TSD staff and students