Update on Student Dress Code

In light of recent developments and concerns brought to our attention regarding the school dress code, we would like to inform you that we will be stepping up on Monday (11.13.2023); a stricter enforcement of the student dress code in three specific areas:
1) Student use of face masks: While medical masks will continue to be allowed and encouraged for safety reasons, the use of ski masks or any other face coverings that obscure their identity during the school day is not permitted. 
2) Students exposing the waist: We will be asking our students to cover their waist in accordance with the school board policy on the dress code
3) Students' use of shorts: We will be asking students to students to wear shorts that maintain a reasonable length that covers their buttocks in accordance with the school board policy on the dress code.
We would like your support in positively reinforcing this expectation with our students.
Below is a link of an ASL video we have shared on our HS/CTE TV and have had it broadcast to our students today. The students were also informed that if they had thoughts/concerns about this that this could be shared with the Student Body Government/Junior National Association of the Deaf as they would be the best student-led organization to share it with. 
Please let Megan and/or me know if you have any concerns/questions about this.
Karl & Megan

Attached Files
