Embracing Red Ribbon Week: Promoting a Drug-Free Community

During our October 3rd professional development session, our HS counselor, Ms. Victoria Flis had the opportunity to introduce Red Ribbon Week to our dedicated staff members. We are enthusiastic about participating in this event, which will run from October 23rd to the 31st. 
Red Ribbon Week, celebrated annually in schools across the nation, holds great significance. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of living a drug-free life and making healthy choices. Red Ribbon Week provides a platform to address the serious issues of drug abuse while promoting unity and resilience within our community. 
Red Ribbon Week aligns with our commitment to creating a safe and nurturing learning environment.  Ms. Victoria Flis led the High School Department through the   
set-up of the contests, presentations and activities.  Advisory Teachers will also engage their students in meaningful conversations about the dangers of drug abuse and the importance of making positive choices during class. 
By providing awareness and knowledge, TSD believes we can empower our students to make informed decisions about leading a healthy drug-free lifestyle.  TSD believes that education goes beyond academics;  education also encompasses the life skills and values that shape our students' futures. 
As we approach Red Ribbon Week, we encourage parents, teachers, and students alike to actively participate in discussions and activities with one another. 
Thank you for your continued support and collaboration in making TSD a safe haven for our students. 