TSD Families Register Now for Free Online Sign Language Classes!

WHO? For parents/caregivers/family members who have a child attending TSD.
WHEN? Classes are 30 minutes per week and we will assign a teacher who can meet with you when you are able!
WHERE? From the comfort of your own home or quiet place. 
WHAT? Classes will be customized to your needs (giving YOU flexibility), meaning you can show up to class each week with a list of words/phrases that you need to learn signs for or we can use a curriculum with vocabulary, units, and quizzes. Once you are matched with a teacher, you can set up a time to meet and decide the structure of the class. Some families like the opportunity for a casual conversation and to practice new vocabulary. Other families may prefer a more structured class with a set curriculum, or something in between. This is your class and you will get to design it to fit your needs!
HOW? Sign up for a free Zoom meeting account, if you don't already have one. You will need a computer with high speed internet. Instructions will be explained further in the registration. 
This class is designed to be a fun and wonderful opportunity for you and your family to learn how to better communicate with your child! For more info, contact:
Ann Meredith, TSD Parent Liaison
Cell/Txt: 512-800-0923