Governing Board Interviews and Upcoming "Meet-and-Greet" Opportunities

Vice President Heather Withrow Message in ASL:
President Shawn Saladin Message: 
Today, Friday, March 17th the Governing Board interviewed Peter Bailey, Superintendent, from Pennsylvania School for the Deaf and Stella Egbert, Director of Instruction from Texas School for the Deaf for the next TSD Superintendent. We are pleased to announce the next phase of the search process by hosting several "meet-and-greet" opportunities for our students, staff, parents, and community on March 29th and 30th. Details on time and location are forthcoming. We look forward to your participation.

Hoy, viernes 17 de marzo, la Mesa Directiva entrevistó para el próximo superintendente de TSD a Peter Bailey, director de la escuela de Penn. School for the Deaf y Stella Egbert, Directora de Instrucción de Texas School for the Deaf. Nos complace anunciar la próxima fase del proceso de búsqueda al organizar varias oportunidades de "recibimiento" para nuestros estudiantes, personal, padres y comunidad el 29 y 30 de marzo. Próximamente se darán detalles sobre la hora y el lugar. Esperamos su participación.
