Engineering 3D Design Syllabus

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Engineering Design & 3D Print

Teacher: Mr. Stropko                                                     School Year 2022-2023

Classroom: CTE 109                                                       Email: [email protected]


Description: Engineering Design and 3D print program provides hands-on experience in solving real world challenges and exposes students to engineering design including the use of 3D Makerbot printers and ThinkerCAD/AutoDesk software.  Students plan and implement descriptive investigations including asking well-defined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting and using solid models for their creations. 

TEKS Summary

Students enrolled in this course will demonstrate knowledge and skills of the process of design as it applies to engineering fields using multiple software applications and tools necessary to produce and present working drawings, solid model renderings, and prototypes. Students will use a variety of computer hardware and software applications to complete assignments and projects. Through implementation of the design process, students will transfer advanced academic skills to component designs and be able to create models using 3D printers. Additionally, students explore career opportunities in engineering, technology, and drafting and what is required to gain and maintain employment in these areas.


TEKS Objectives

  1. Students demonstrate the principles of teamwork related to engineering and technology.
  2. Students present conclusions, research findings, and designs using a variety of media throughout the course.
  3. Students use appropriate tools and demonstrate safe work habits.
  4. Students describe the factors that affect the progression of technology and the potential intended and unintended consequences of technological advances.
  5. The student describes the importance of teamwork, leadership, integrity, honesty, ethics, work habits, and organizational skills.
  6. Students think critically and apply fundamental principles of system modeling and design to multiple design projects.
  7. Students demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills using a variety of software applications and media.
  8. Students will use time-management techniques to develop and maintain work schedules and meet deadlines.
  9. Students follow safety guidelines as described in various manuals, instructions, and regulations.
  10. Students prepare and revise annotated multi-dimensional production drawings in computer-aided drafting and design to industry standards
  11. Students participate in a team-based culminating project

Students' Responsibilities

Project Based Learning

At the teacher’s discretion, you may have several projects during each 9-week period. You must investigate and understand what you are doing. If you are unsure what to do, please stop and ask! 


Portfolio/Journal Work

The teacher will check students’ Portfolio and/or Journal periodically via Google/Schoology.  Your portfolio/journal must be included with all materials you have learned throughout the semester including teacher’s notes and other resources – all must be placed in chronological order in your Google/Schoology.  You may use your other creative ideas adding into your portfolio/journal online with well-organized and sensible manner for a suitable grade.

Bonus and/or Extra Credit work

You may propose ideas about doing the additional work/project in order to improve your grade, but you must give good reasons to do so, and the teacher must also approve prior to your doing work.  Occasionally, the teacher may provide additional work for the extra credit.


Academic Dishonesty

If you cheat on quizzes, tests, homework, and/or in-class assignments, you will automatically receive zero - that includes the plagiarism from using someone else’s work or copy/paste from any Internet sources.  You must use your own words while expressing ideas in writing. Always cite your work where you found them.


Grading Policy

The final grades are based on the percentages in the rubrics:

Soft Skills 15%

Self-directed Projects/Participation   50%

Quality of the work including accuracy, completeness, organization, 

completed self-directed projects, participation and timeliness, 

including Gracious Professionalism.

Assigned Work/Portfolio 35%

Quality of completion of the assignments, quizzes, tests, survey, journal and 

portfolio work, etc.

Total 100%



Excessive absences greatly interfere with your education.  Being present in every class is very important.  If you miss a class due to any reason, it is your responsibility to check with the teacher, your friends, or on the Internet for the homework assignment, and you need to make up for that day and complete them as soon as possible. If you have unexcused absence, you will receive a zero for that class.


10/10 Rule

All classes follow the 10/10 Rule – for the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of class, no one will be permitted to leave for the bathroom or health center.  This rule gives us the time to start and to end the class appropriately.  It is still the teacher's discretion to give you permission to leave the class at any time. If you leave the classroom unauthorized, the teacher will justify against you and you will receive the consequences.  


Classroom Rules

  1. Be on time; follow the safety rules and principles mandated by TSD, including grading zero for unexcused absences. 
  1. Remain in your seat quietly and keep your feet on the floor all the time until the teacher dismisses you.  During the class, you must follow the instructions and complete the assignments.
  1. Only one bottle of water is allowed.  
  1. You must follow the rules of the dress code and obey all rules provided in the student's handbook at TSD.
  • No phones allowed in the lab.  If a student wishes to leave for a restroom or any reasons must give his/her pager to the teacher.  If no phone, students are not allowed to leave the classroom for any reason. Students always have the opportunity to go to restrooms during class transition times.
  • Use of the iPad must be given permission from the teacher.  Students must put their iPad in the blue crate next to the door as soon as you get in the classroom or leave it in your bag.
  • To ensure a safe environment anywhere, Gracious Professionalism is required. Students must respect and cooperate with others in and out of the robotics lab. 

Consequences/Actions (at teacher’s discretion)

  1. Verbal Warning/re-teaching (First strike) - Your behavior (s) will be documented.
  1. Lunch or after school Detention (Second strike), will communicate with your parents; after school detention – up to 15 minutes.
  1. C-form(s) will be processed (Third strike). Based on the discretion of the teacher and the severity of the incident, the teacher will take actions against you.

Special help/Tutoring 

If you need some extra help or need to catch up on assignments, you are responsible to set up a time with the teacher during lunch, before or after school.


Use of the iPad

The teacher is the sole authority of the classroom and each of you must obey the rules and respect everyone in the class.  Unauthorized use of the iPad is strictly forbidden and you will face the consequences.

Unit Plans for the School-Year 2018-19

(Unit plans utilized at the discretion of the teacher)


Unit 1 – Cube Measurements Unit 5 – Animation

Unit 2 – Career Paths in Engineering Unit 6 – Design Process

Unit 3 – Use of 3D printing rules Unit 7 – Collaborative Work Projects

Unit 4 – Documents and Sketching Unit 8 – Presentation on final product(s)


Class Rubrics


100 – 90%

89.9 – 80%

79.9 – 70%

69.9 or below

Fundamental Engineering skills

90-100% indication of the steps and solutions with no errors.

Almost all (85-89%) indicate the steps and solutions with no errors.

Most (75-84%) indicate the steps and solutions with no errors.

More than 75% indication of the steps and solutions with errors.

Engineering Reasoning

Uses complex and refined engineering reasoning.

Uses effective engineering reasoning

Some evidence of engineering reasoning.

Little evidence of engineering reasoning.

Engineering Concepts

Explanation shows complete understanding of the engineering concepts used to solve the problem(s).

Explanation shows substantial understanding of the engineering concepts used to solve the problem(s).

Explanation shows some understanding of the engineering concepts needed to solve the problem(s).

Explanation shows very limited understanding of the underlying concepts needed to solve the problem(s) OR is not written.

Working with Others – Gracious Professionalism

Students were engaged to a partner, listening to suggestions of others and working cooperatively throughout the lesson.

Students were engaged to their partner but had trouble listening to others and/or working cooperatively.

Students cooperated with others, but needed prompting to stay on-task.

Students did not work effectively with others.


Explanation is detailed and clear.

Explanation is clear.

Explanation is a little difficult to understand, but includes critical components.

Explanation is difficult to understand and is missing several components OR was not included.



Typically, it uses an efficient and effective strategy to solve the problem(s).

Typically, it uses an effective strategy to solve the problem(s).

Sometimes uses an effective strategy to solve problems, but does not do it consistently.

Rarely uses an effective strategy to solve problems.

Diagrams and Sketches

Diagrams and/or sketches are clear and greatly add to the reader's understanding of the procedure(s).

Diagrams and/or sketches are clear and easy to understand.

Diagrams and/or sketches are somewhat difficult to understand.

Diagrams and/or sketches are difficult to understand or are not used.

Neatness and Organization

The work is presented in a neat, clear, organized fashion that is easy to read.

The work is presented in a neat and organized fashion that is usually easy to read.

The work is presented in an organized fashion but may be hard to read at times.

The work appears sloppy and unorganized.  It is hard to know what information goes together.