Physical Education

About Physical Education at TSD -

If you don't take care of your body, where will you live?

Programs should encourage children to develop lifelong physical activity practices and healthy lifestyle choices and ensure physical education integrates with other components of a coordinated school health program. Physical education programs are the cornerstone of an active lifestyle for all students. The NEW PE is not the same PE from 20 years ago. PE is not about how many pull-ups or push-ups a student can do - or waiting your turn to compete for the best score.

PE helps students learn how to live healthy and physically active lives.

It teaches students to value physical activity for its positive contributions to their health, emotional and social well-being. New PE is more student friendly, helping students create individualized PE activities for different fitness levels.

PE Matters!

  • Kids who are physically active on a regular basis are less likely to become overweight or obese
  • Kids who are obese when they are adolescents have a 70% chance of being obese for the rest of their lives
  • Nearly 35% of all Texas kids are overweight or obese
  • Kids who have physical activity in the school day have an advantage for learning, which increases student achievement
  • Kids who are physically fit have higher self-esteem
  • Kids who value physical fitness and healthy lifestyle are less likely to engage in risky behaviors such as underage drinking, smoking, illicit drug use and violence

What can I do to help?

Become informed about what physical education and activity programs are available in your student's school. Join PTSO. Form a Campus Wellness Committee. Use the National Association for Sport and Physical Activity Checklist to assess your school's PE and activity program. Work with your principal, school staff, parents and community to support physical education and activity in your school. There are many free resources to help you.