Homework and Grading Policy

Students this year will engage in a variety of different tasks for grading/assessment. Students are expected to use class time wisely. If students need additional time, or if they are working on a major assignment, some work will be expected to be completed at home.


It is highly recommended that if a student needs help with homework to come see Mrs. Smith during advisory, attend Homework Center, or seek alternative assistance!


Any minor grades (classwork, IXL, etc.) can be re-done to receive a higher average grade before the end of each quarter. When work is re-done, the two scores of the work will be averaged for a final score. Any assignment that is not turned-in will result in a score of zero.


Without extenuating circumstances, major grades (projects, essays, etc.) will not be accepted late or be allowed to be re-done.


It is recommended that both students and families check Schoology on a frequent basis in order to continue tracking student progress and to help students take responsibility for monitoring their grades.


Students will be given a participation score daily that will not be documented as a grade but will help facilitate awareness of effort, social participation, and progress in the classroom. Each day, students will have the opportunity to earn up to four participation points. Students will receive one point each for coming to class prepared and having materials ready, staying on task, actively participating in class discussion and work, and arriving to class on time and leaving the classroom area the same as when they entered.