CASE Indicators

Community and Student Engagement Indicators

Per HB 2804, TEA must collect from all schools their choice of 3 CASE Indicators, along with ratings criteria, that the schools will use to rate themselves for accountability. The 2017-18 categories and ratings criteria are:


Fine Arts:

  • Each department has at least 1 literary (English or American Sign Language) publication created by students (can be in English and/or ASL) such as yearbook, school newsletters, collections of student poetry, ASL stories, short stories, etc.
  • TSD provides at least 2 student Performing Arts productions per school year.
  • TSD provides at least 3 opportunities for students to participate in any Fine Arts related activities on campus (e.g., talent show, etc.) either during school or after school.


21st Century Workforce Development Program:

  • School department offers at least  1 college/career event such as Transition Fair, job shadowing events, etc.
  • School department provides students opportunities to practice workforce skills through career preparation classes, job placements, websites, etc.
  • Age-appropriate students are actively involved in the development of their transition plans and participate in their annual ARD meetings.


Digital Learning Environment:

  • TSD provides at least 5 opportunities for technology integration in classroom (e.g., flipped classroom, digital science probes, etc.).
  • Middle School, High School and ACCESS (Transition) students have their own TSD email accounts.
  • Instructional department provides training for staff and activities or programs for students on Internet safety including cyber-bullying.