Happy Holidays from TSD!


A Holiday Message from the Superintendent

On Opening Day this fall I reminded you that our most important school supplies this year were patience, hope, empathy, flexibility, and resilience.  And so, it has been the case.  50% of our families chose to send their students to in-person classes while the remainder chose virtual learning from home and we all rose to the challenge with personal and professional sacrifices to make it work.

This has been an extraordinary time with extraordinary stress.  With that stress came an extraordinary opportunity.  Bene Brown says, “Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up.”  Thank you to each of you for showing up.

Happily, a vaccine is around the corner, but it will take time to reach all of us in our individual priority groups.  With these rising case numbers, we are still very vulnerable—so let’s complete this difficult 2020 by staying faithful to the things we know are critical to living in this pandemic—stay close to home, limit your social interactions,  wear your mask, practice social distancing  and be vigilant with your health and hygiene protocols

I wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season.  May you find joy in your respite and confidence in the future we will build together in 2021.

Warmest regards,

Claire Bugen


PS We received two bonus videos from Student Life Elves and David Sicoli.  Please enjoy these also if you choose.  https://youtu.be/i0P2RzS1PPc  https://youtu.be/REr3zlnp9x4
